Monday, July 11, 2005

D-Tools exiting the MCE software space

Due to circumstances pretty much beyond my control D-Tools is not going to be creating any software for the Microsoft Media Center platform. We had some great products and services in process but unfortunately I had to shut down the MCE division and had to lay off the developers. This has nothing to do with the health of D-Tools or our products. It was made very clear to me by a company with much greater marketing and development resources that some of our planned MCE products would not be financially viable in the near future.

If evenly matched, fight, if outnumbered, retreat.
Sun-Tzu - The Art of War and Charlie Sheen as Bud in Wall Street

This kind of sucks because we had some great people and some great ideas. Oh well, another life lesson learned.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is the problem in our industry. Companies focused on systems integrators can't keep up with the mass-marketers in the consumer IT business, so they don't even try. Look at companies like Request that charge enormous premiums for products that cater to the custom channel, even when we know we can buy a NAS to store audio for $1 per GB. Maybe D-tools isn't the one to take on Msoft or Intel or HP or whoever it was that quashed your hopes, but I believe there will always be an opportunity for custom-oriented mfrs to make/sell products meant for this market, and to charge a premium.

2:24 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just learned about this project today and was extremely excited about it, only to come home tonight and read this blog announcing the project's demise. From what I've read about this project, this is what home integration needs, and this IS the future. It looks something like for Linux, but Linux lacks drivers, etc., and I'm sure it's considerably more polished.

If you really don't have any future commercial plans for this project, would you consider releasing the source code as open source software?

10:16 PM  
Blogger adam said...

If you are referring to the MCIT project I have given the actual developer all rights to the SW. I think his plan is to work with Crestron and release the product at CEDIA.

9:55 AM  

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